Saturday, April 21, 2012

4 4 12 contest winner

Congratulations to Brenda T. from Wisconsin on winning a New iPad by submitting the best personal experience with the message of Bios Life Slim’s role in the Transformation and of 4-4-12 as part of our 4-4-12 on 4/4/12 contest. Read her story below: 

 If I had listened to all the people who said they could never lose weight after their last child, I'd have lost all hope. It's been more than two years since I've been with Unicity (shortly after my 4th child), and I'm now down 4 pant sizes and 2 shirt sizes! My body is now the size that fits my frame. The scale didn't move too much (only 15 pounds, so I'm glad I didn't focus on that) but my clothing did, and my life did, and that's all I needed! Unicity products are remarkable to me. I couldn't have achieved these results without them! I've incorporated many of Unicity's products into my life, but my first love was Bios Life Slim and 4-4-12. 

Looking back, I realize now how remarkably different I feel, look, and live. It's an easy thought for someone to just eat fruits and veggies and lean meat, but the truest trick for me was in controlling those cravings and balancing the blood sugars. When you're operating from one craving to the next—with highs and lows in blood sugar swings—you're not really living. It's great to feel so good again. This has been so much more than just trimming down; as a Massage Therapist, I'm well aware of the fact that too much excess fat on our bodies puts added strain on joints and pulls our bodies out of alignment. I'm most grateful that in this balancing, I have said goodbye to the depression I was dealing with and have a way to prevent the diabetes that my whole family has sadly been dealing with. When something great changes in you, you can't help but want to share it with others. What a gift—to be able to be healthier for my family and myself, but also help those who want to attain that same health. 

Since I have felt more in control of one area in life, it has given me the desire to work on the other areas that could have used a little fine-tuning. I look back over the last two years of being with Unicity and am proud of making progress in many areas. By having better health (with the use of Unicity products and the Transformation program) I'm much happier with the newer chapters of my life's story. This whole transformation has been quite surprising for me. I just thought I had a few pounds to lose! WOW! What a difference. I feel like I've been dusted off, shaken up, and have a new start in life! I look back to how drained I was from morning to night. Instead of having a constant energy drain (which by the way, drains those around you) I now have energy to give to others. I have always enjoyed 4-4 (since it's my birthday), but thank you for giving me something to add to those numbers: 4-4-12.  The use of Bios Life Slim and following 4-4-12 has made the biggest impact in my life and the life of those around me. 

Wait no more! You need a fast transformation??? JUST Shake & Slim with Bios Life Slim :)

PM or call us for SLiM consultation 012 204 8141

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