pay ur loans duluuuuu! :) kasi lower the installment range... then saving n invest!!! sket2 tue seperti biasa la kannnnnnnnn...ikut nafsu pompannnnnn...hahahhaa
botox? wa lau wei, it did cross your mind eh? you dont need botox la dear, you are so awet muda already. btw, you should invest your money and only spend on the return you have made from your principal. You've to trust me on this :)
i kalo nampak duit cepat je nak komen babe..
sebenarnya tak tau nak wat ape bila duit ade depan mata...
kalo dlm bank tau pulak nak habiskan dgn shooping online hehehe
1. byr hutang
2. invest- beli gold/FD
3. handbag
4. vacation/umrah
beli tods D bag! heheheh :)
Salam -
bestnya kalau i dapat..huhuh...buatlah apa u
suka,duit you.except for Poh Kong ...others tu ok...
pay ur loans duluuuuu! :)
kasi lower the installment range...
then saving n invest!!!
sket2 tue seperti biasa la kannnnnnnnn...ikut nafsu pompannnnnn...hahahhaa
akak derma la kat saya yang penganggur ni ;)
botox? wa lau wei, it did cross your mind eh? you dont need botox la dear, you are so awet muda already. btw, you should invest your money and only spend on the return you have made from your principal. You've to trust me on this :)
spend some save some ... semua boleh heheh ;D
huyohhhh! banyak nya duit. meh sikit. ketaq lutut kalau dapat duit banyak gitu nak shopping. hahaha
masuk business jer.. duit makin lama akan bertambah2... kalau asb 7% jer, beli handbag value jatuh.
heheh...buat bisnes...semua list tu boleh dapat..;-)
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