Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Are we leaving in comfort zone???...

hi peeps?
are we leaving in comfort zone? yeah! ramai yg very d comfort kan n tanak ubah pendirian diri disebabkan 'ego' dan ada yg mmg da comfort pun..tapi setakat mana comfort nya kita?....

jom baca apa yg I nak share from my PD Sha, one brave lady yg mula bekerja dari usia 16 tahun membuat 3 kerja serentak sebagai tutor, tour guide n marketing manager utk menampung kehidupan di Singapura yg memerlukan kos sara hidup yg tinggi...

beliau juga adalah ex- Mrs Singapore Universe 2009 dan meninggalkan status glamer itu semata2 utk memberikan kehidupan terbaik utk diri dan keluarga...dan target beliau! hanya 5 tahun dalam Happy Life Project dan pasti Health, Time & Financial Freedom bakal digengam! tak perlu lama2 atau sampai tua mengabadikan diri....kerana project ini sungguh mudah!

One thing I like about my mentor, is sikap humblenya...
Sebagai Presidential Director, dia diberi pilihan any type of Mercedes and she just choosed the saloon Merc C Compressor model..katanya senang nk bawak n sesuai fr lady driver. She can even owned Merc E like what co offered to the rest presidents, but she said its too bulky n tanak la mcm org tua2..cukup sekadar Merc C utk memotivasikan kami semua utk jadi sepertinya :)

PD Shalina's holding her half LifeStyleBonus cheque SGD17,300.00 awarded by Unicity for her achievements
total USD10,000 will be given to every Presidential Director besides the six figure monthly income she received in just 18mos doing the project. Isn't that amazing?!?!?? You too can have it!

Join us in Happy Life Project and be coached by a very successful mentor yg tak lokek ilmu dan senang didekati

call/pm Yani
012 2048141

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