Tuesday, October 19, 2010


olla dolla! how's ur weekends?
as for myself letih juga jaga budak kecik demam tapi masih lagi berselra makan *tats one thing i luv about Dania* sakit2 jugak tapi makan tetap makan dan takde la merengek sgt tapi still tempature badannya turun naik, yg kesian mlm mcm wheezing n coughing. sgt kesian bila dia sendiri akan terjaga 3-4 days tgh mlm n mommy xde la beauty-sleep as usual

well, to boots up my working mood on monday blues ni, come let's cuci mata with choices of my next bag hunting for this season ;) n what's urs???

well..tak dapat smua serentak, dpt satu pun da happy ok ;)


lets start with.......

LV Bellevue GM mcm menariks!

GUCCI boston bag
sgt pratical for acara santai, handheld+ sling bag is d must hv for every mommy! sempoi ;)

YSL Roady bag, lightweight, menarik! simple fr both casual and formal

Miu Miu Coffer
nak... tanak... nak... tanak...owh! still contemplating *best sgt ke?*


Nana said...

hmmm bags ni .. kalau fikir nak tak nak nak tak nak .. don't bother buying! membazir aje. .. those were Mozard's words hehe! He say it has to be love at first sight! kalau tak NO!! hehee!

:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

owhhhh get that coffer 1st!
yg boston tue bukan u dah ade yg aviatrix version so look alike dah babe ;)

screamingmommy said...

beb, I mmg suka LV Bellevue GM in red color..in one of my wishlist:) wht's the retail price in KL, do you know?

YANI SLiM said...

nana : basically miu miu coffer tu mmg la luv @ d first sight but bila da lama sgt i hold in my wishlist, rasa half hearted nk amik..but mayb beli la kot cos mmg da lamaaaaaa nk hehehe ;)

YANI SLiM said...

verde : a'ah was thinkng to grab d coffer cos da lama sgt in my wishlist ;) nmpk mcm sexy n gebu je n fr d boston tu mmg i need one sling bag cos da bz bekejaran dgn Dania n mcm tak bole nk bergaya sgt wit handheld bags. m decluttering my wardrobe frm all handheld bags nw, rasa mcm tak perlu je fr time being, n aviatrix tu pun mayb nk jual la ;)

YANI SLiM said...

screaming mommy : a'ah bellevue sgt comfy as shoulder bag. material vernis ringan je. u shud grab one n d price is rm4k in kl :)

Akak Ratu said...

sbb akak dah ada lv belleuve ngan coffer tu, so testimoni akak (cewahhh siap testimoni tuuuu... he he) tak sia2 beli... mmg best ;-)

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